Access to our Resource Rooms |
- Computers, FAX machines, phones, copiers and internet
- Self-assisted job search
- Referrals to job openings
- Limited access to employment counselors
Self-Access to CalJOBS |
- CalJobs internet job search and résumé listing
- Access Hundreds of jobs in Kern County.
- View Thousands of jobs throughout California.
- Enroll yourself.
- Use our resource room to look for jobs and enter your résumé on CalJOBS.
- Get help enrolling in CalJOBS - we can provide assistance to those who have never used a computer before.
Resources for Job Seekers |
Job Sites: |
- CalJobs
The State of California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) website includes links to job fairs and events throughout the state.
- CareerBuilder
A multi-resource site covering all fields of employment
- Monster
Mega-site with many useful resources for job seekers including an electronic résumé bank
Other Resources: |
- YouTube
Search for job interview videos on YouTube. These videos can help you with the dos and don’ts of job interviews.
- Dice Career Events
Focuses on jobs in technology